Sunday, July 29, 2012

Africa My Motherland

This post is inspired by the common response Simon gives to a plethora of everyday experiences in Uganda. Please complete the following statements with, "Africa my motherland".

Being approached by an immigration officer and told our ride is coming. Turns out he's our friends cousin.

Arriving in our hotel to find a lamp with no light-bulb, a ceiling fan that doesn't work, and a shower that drips water.

Assistant manager uses pen to place loose wires of broken standing fan into socket.

Jenny is deemed "good luck" because the past two times she has been in Uganda there have been family funerals.

We go for a surprise rock climbing expedition wearing skirts and sandals. Andrea may have inadvertently flashed an African man.

Day 5- Jenny discovers broken fans full potential in keeping us cool through rearranging bed.

Simon: "This is the road to the wild... it's miserably miserable."

We drove 1.5 hours for Young Life Club and found a solo teenager. Others were nowhere to be found.

Roll up to a village trading center and Lawrence gets out and plays a traditional board game with a random stranger roadside.

There's a chicken foot in the chicken stew.

Teaching st peters staff and students how to throw a frisbee.

Lawrence and Deo search Pallisa for an hour for the Mzungus. Thinking they've lost us. We were in church...for 4 hours.

"I was going to marry a Mzungu but she rejected me"

Pants are not necessary when you're Don Bosco and 1.5 years old.

The car bottoming out wherever we went. Literally everywhere we went.

Jenny: "Pretty soon we are going to be Flintstoning our way there" (as car scrapes one of the many speed humps)

Being ripped from your sleep by a screaming rooster right outside your window.

Being too tall to fit in your bed and consequently your mosquito net.

Our driver speeds to "pick us" to go to a futbol game. Abruptly stops. Gets out. Pulls tree branch out of front grill of car. Tells us to get in. Acts nonchalant about tree slaying.

Swerving to avoid various baby animals crossing the road, as well as people, bodas, bicycles, and any other thing in the road.

"Jenny you are fat!" X2 (this is a compliment in Africa)

Simon: "Now you are part of us"

Throwback to the college years of straight up dorm chilling and breaking occupancy limitations.

Thinking dairy was a good idea. In reality "milk was a bad choice"

Teaching Pallisa leaders a new song, Prince of Peace. With one book and 3 female voices.

Playing the game signs with students.

"Making a rope with Jenny's hair to tie my cow"

Picking up passengers on the way, everywhere we went. Like it was no BD.

"We go? We go?".... To prompt our leaving.

1 comment:

  1. Everything about this is amazing. I would add the following awesome electrical rigging feat from our trip: using a toothbrush to block the third hole of the socket that two spliced wires are "plugged" into, to light the bulbs that have been placed in the two trees in the yard so we can dance to some sweet Ugandan rap beats and not trip over each other in the dark.
