Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Gremlin

I will venture to say most of my students will not know the creatures that this post pays tribute to so I will give a brief description to start.  I apologize for those who are already in the know and experienced many a nightmare as a child or avoided pouring water on the family dog (especially if it was "Gizmo sized") in fear of it growing into one of these vengeful pests as a result of this flick.  Gremlins was a 1984 horror comedy film where miniature green monsters tear through a small town.   This happens because a bank teller releases these hideous creatures after gaining a new pet as a Christmas present and violating two of three simple rules: No water (violated), no food after midnight (violated), and no bright light.

"So, when your washing machine blows up or your TV goes on the fritz, before you call the repair man, turn on all the lights and look under all the beds. 'Cause you never can tell, there just might be a gremlin in your house."

Now that we are all on the same page let me continue with what I lovingly referred to as The Gremlin my last week in Uganda.  Indeed the mischievous gremlins were scary looking (remember I was a kid), but more importantly they made interesting noises.  Grumbling mostly.  Here enters the connection between the noises Gremlins make and my GI tract.

I had made it 5 weeks in Africa sickness free.  In fact I felt great!  Then that last week hit and I thought my insides were deteriorating.  It is not uncommon to have stomach upset as an American abroad.  Simply put our bodies are not use to some of the foods eaten elsewhere.  Let me be clear in stating that I did not eat anything that was foul or rotten.  I later realized my body was probably fighting off some stomach infection, however the symptoms presented very much like malaria.  Don't worry the two tests I took came back negative...a relief.  I have never had malaria, but have been with friends who have and it's not fun.  For the better part of the week it was all I could do to keep my body hydrated as it wanted nothing to do with food and I grew pretty week.  The Gremlin (residing in my stomach) would keep me up most nights lying in the fetal position and was loud enough to be heard by others throughout the day.  Trying to make light of the situation I gave the stomach bug its name on Day 3 and it was a running joke for the rest of the trip.  After a week of antibiotics and a diet of solely oatmeal, I was much better for my flight back home which I'm incredibly thankful for.  You certainly don't want to be traveling sick for two days!

Special thanks to Amy & Kelcie for their amazing care, Gatorade packets, oatmeal, and laughter.

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